313 E. Main

313 E. Main
Left: Then (1991) & Right: Now (2010, though still in the works...)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

2nd Floor Renovation Update

Hey y'all,

It's been a busy week for the house, particularly the master bathroom and the upstairs hallway. If you recall from the Nov 15th post on the hallway, I had a bit of an issue when I ran out of the tabs needed to put up the ceiling - somewhat important when you still have about four feet to finish. After a couple of attempts to create my own tab-like thingys, my luck struck gold when the manufacturing company told me they'd send me some more tabs for free :) So on Wednesday my tabs came via Fed-Ex and guess what project finally got finished? (well, almost) I still need to buy more trim for it, but overall, it's up and looking good.

As for the master bathroom, it is almost finished! The floor tile is down and I grouted half of it Saturday. I have about 6 or 8 tiles to stick up on the exterior shower wall, which I plan to have finished tomorrow, in addition to putting the toilet back now that the stool area is grouted. After the tile and grout is finished, I have some more trim to put up around the edges and touch up on some of the paint, then overall the bathroom will be finished. We're still decided what to do with the ceiling and I'm hoping to find a cabinet to put under the double sinks - if not, I'll have to try and make something that will finished that look off.

This week will most likely be spent finishing up the bathroom then turning my attention to the bedroom itself. I've decided to sheetrock over the north wall instead of trying to patch it - it will take less work overall instead of patching. Getting the sheetrock up the stairs is a challenge, but once it's up the easy part begins.

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