Work continues on the house, lately jumping from little project to little project depending on the weather, what mood I'm in. :) Recently it's been busy with drywalling, which takes a few days from start to finish because of the mudding, letting dry, sanding (which I HATE by the way - it's the worst thing about drywalling), then retouching spots with extra mud making sure the new patch is nice and smooth along side the existing wall.
While working on the staircase ceiling/upper wall, I decided to redo the wall in the laundry room which actually would sit behind the washer & dryer (if I had one). Lucky for me, the walls on the north side and west side were two different thicknesses - and unlucky for the walls who wanted to cause trouble, I've got two different thicknesses of drywall :) So all I need to do now is paint.
Work on the outside of the house continues as well. The painting I put on hold for a bit due to the rain we were supposed to get. However, only twice did we get rain when they called for it so I it's possible I could almost be done with the painting by now. It continues now that the rain appears to be holding for the time being, and thanks to great family friends I've got scaffolding to use instead climbing up a shaky ladder.

I do find it interesting that while we have for the most part been in a drought, the grass can still grow. At the end of July I had to venture back up to IL for a dentist appointment and wasn't back for about 10 days. During that time, the grass in the backyard grew knee tall. Let me also point out that during those 1o days, we were in triple digits not including heat indices which under any normal circumstance should have killed off, I dunno, grass that doesn't get water. Needless to stay, it was quite the chore when it came to mowing it. Made even harder by the fact that my mower's start pull-cord snapped at its base = hunk of junk now. What's worse is that the weed whacker broke the day before so I couldn't even attempt to hack down the yard to semi-controlled jungle. Knowing there was no way I could mow down the grass, I went a bought a brand new weed whacker :) And boy, let me tell you it was like Christmas and I was the little girl who couldn't wait to get it out of the box. Took me a few hours and a borrowed mower to get it done, but the backyard (and front yard for that matter) is under control.

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